Health and marketing
This topic is personally very near to Anke Sponer’s heart – she’s the Managing Director of CSI. As active member of Health Care Bayern e.V. and due to her family induced medical background she is pleads for health-related topics and is an active network member in this area.
Why doctor´s practice marketing?
About half of Germanys inhabitants – approx. 40M people – are researching online about „Health“ topics. 38% of patients have already purchased pharmaceuticals online and 22% have asked questions or discussed in online forums. *
According to a FORSA-study every third patient is searching doctors online. Even more graduated Germans are searching online. Moreover, the share of patients choosing their new doctor in a self-determined way is increasing.
Doctors should seize this opportunity. Throughout the doctor´s offices and marketing communication the increasing amount of patients with a high online affinity can be addressed. Furthermore with a holistic marketing approach traditional patients can be acquired and loyalty can be created.
The results: valuable and satisfied patients, a higher share of self-pay patients (extras) and risk reduction of a bad public image – despite excellent services.
* Study 2016, Research/Consulting EPatient RSD